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On January 18, the 2nd International Baltic Cup for MSF 2020 was successfully held in Riga!

The competition was attended by 60 people from 12 clubs, from 7 cities (Kaunas, Tartu, Tallinn, Riga, Jurmala, Moscow, Yukhnov) from 4 countries - Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Russia! At the opening of the Cup, a deputy of the Riga Duma, founder of the Movement for a Sports Society Vitaly Dubov, made a welcoming speech. At the competitions, junior and adult nominations were held for League A and B in "Triathlon", "Shield and Sword", "Solo Drafts", as well as League C in MSF

I would especially like to thank for the help in organizing the tournament of the main organizer Nikolaj Korneev, co-organizers - @ id5961607 (Alena) and Vladimir Hartman, judges: Eugene Dasha Alla Alexander Ivan Alexander Alevtin Konstantin, Maya, Sandra. Special thanks to the cheerful Baiba for comfort and comfortable facilities, and Anatoly Kiselev (Kung fu Pansin Academy) for a peppy junior delegation! Everyone was pleased with the abundance of cups (for 1-2-3 place) and valuable prizes (protective equipment) for 1 place from Alena! We are waiting for the Baltic fighters at the 2nd World Championship in SMB 2020 in Minsk on March 27-29!

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